All rotorcraft must have an approved anti-collision light and position light for nighttime operations. The position lights consist of Aviation Red on the left side, an Aviation Green on the right and an Aviation White Tail light. The anti-collision lighting system is required under FAR PART 91.205(c).

    All Rotorcraft PRIMARY anti-collision lights are Red in color. Supplemental lighting may been provided or installed that include White flashing lights. Rotorcraft manufactured in the mid 1970's and earlier must comply with that 100 effective candela standard applicable at the time.

NOTE: All non-FAA approved parts in this catalog are signified by a (-) in the approval column. Parts without FAA approval may still be purchased, however, installation of these parts on the U.S. Type Certified products will require FAA approval.


All rotorcraft must have an approved anti-collision and position light system for nighttime operations. The lights consist of an Aviation Red on the left side, an Aviation Green on the right and an Aviation White Tail light. The anti- collision lighting system is required under FAR PART 91.205(c). All PRIMARY anti-collision lights are Red in color. Supplemental lighting may have been provided or installed that includes White flashing lights. Rotorcraft manufactured in the mid 1970's and earlier likely comply with the 100 effective candela standard applicable at that time.